Closing meeting of the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) is held at Civil Aviation Training Institute (CATI) Meeting Hall, Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), Yangon, Myanmar on 21 December 2018


The CMA audit on-site activities are conducted from 10 to 20 December 2018.

At the closing the meeting, the ICAO audit team leader delivers the presentation regarding the draft audit results.

In the closing remarks by State’s authority, DCA reiterates its unwavering commitment to effectively and consistently implement the critical elements (CEs) of a safety oversight system covering the whole spectrum of civil aviation activities, including personnel licensing, aircraft operations, airworthiness of aircraft, aircraft accident and incident investigation, air navigation services and aerodromes, as applicable.

DCA is committed to continue enhance its safety oversight and safety management capabilities to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of States’ safety oversight systems.

DCA is constantly striving, in close collaboration with ICAO, to further improve aviation’s successful safety performance while maintaining a high level of capacity and efficiency.